Mastering the Circus: Integrating a Sales Comp Program after Acquisition
Monday, August 19, 2024
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sales Operations
Session Format
Target Attendee Experience Level
Intermediate: Hands-on and Practical Application

Come one, come all! Join the circus of sales-compensation integration! Ringmasters Elliot and Paul will showcase the terrifying menagerie of sales operations and compensation beasts that arise when your company acquires another that has its own programs. They’ll show you how to tame the lion of due diligence, integrate systems with the greatest of ease, and engage the right performers to set your own stage for success! You don’t want to miss the big show!

Key Takeaways

  • Understand integration options from gentle (“Keep doing what you’re doing”) to firm (“Our way or the highway”) and when each may be appropriate.
  • Master the topic areas that will need to be addressed and create strategies for overcoming roadblocks.
  • Learn how to lead a major project to integrate a new sales force into your existing sales compensation program.