Mini Mastermind Hosted by Oracle: So, What’s Next After Sales Comp’24? Learn How to Evangelize Incentive Compensation as a Value Driver for Your Entire Company
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Session Format
Roundtable Discussion

Close out your last conference day with a meaningful discussion on how to apply your conference learnings to progress and advance your incentive compensation projects when you return home. Whether you’re starting an incentive compensation project from scratch or trying to increase your budget for more support, cross-team buy-in is critical. Join Oracle and SalesDrive Technologies for a roundtable discussion with your peers to progress your incentive compensation initiatives.

Learn how to:

  • Showcase the benefits of incentive compensation projects for the entire organization.
  • Build cross-team buy-in for a cloud-based incentive compensation project.
  • Build right-sized project phases to secure more budget.
  • Deliver greater time-to-value out of your incentive compensation initiatives.


Hosted by Oracle