Sales Comp Talk Part 2: Compensation Shrouding: What's Hiding in Your Comp Plan?
Monday, August 19, 2024
2:00 PM - 2:25 PM
Sales Compensation
Session Format
SC Talks
Target Attendee Experience Level
Advanced: Applied Theory and Strategy

About 85% of U.S. firms hide pay-outcome information such as target attainment and earning potential. This practice, known as “compensation shrouding,” can discourage your salesforce and dissuade skilled applicants from joining your team. In this short but impactful session, you’ll learn how sharing pay outcomes can serve everyone—including your organization—and actually lower compensation costs. Get a nuanced understanding of the trade-offs applicants make when considering offers and leave with a plan for moving toward greater transparency.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand how pay outcome information influences offer-acceptance decisions.
  • Leverage your company’s competitive differentiators to re-frame how applicants perceive your compensation offers and make them more competitive at potentially lower costs.
  • Develop a framework for optimizing which compensation information to show to potential applicants.

Note: This session is designed to be paired with "Partnering with Talent Acquisition to Effectively Attract and Engage Your Sales Teams" happening in the same room from 1:30pm-1:55pm. We suggest attending both sessions.