Mini Mastermind Hosted by Varicent: How Can We Better Communicate and Empower Our Sellers?
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Sales Operations
Session Format
Roundtable Discussion

We all recognize the vital role incentive programs play in aligning seller performance with business goals. However, how these programs get communicated – via massive legal documents, dated, disconnected, often late reports, and untraceable payments – hinders the effectiveness of sales compensation programs. In this active roundtable, we’ll discuss and vote on top communication and engagement issues standing in the way of motivating seller performance and have lively, roundtable debates on how we can improve these processes. As a group, we’ll explore innovative ways to build clearer paths and a more engaging journey to drive seller success across your teams. Leave this session armed with actionable insights to improving the initial and ongoing communication and impact of your sales comp programs.


Hosted by Varicent